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SurfOffline Screenshots

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Main window

First step of the Wizard

The wizard asks starting page and the name of the project

The wizard asks the project's depth of loading.

The wizard asks what types of files to download

Last step of the Wizard

Project properties

Section "General" on which it is possible to enter starting page,
the name of the project, depth of loading
and how to update already loaded files.

Section "File Types" allows to set the types of files for download,
the location of files, and to limit their size.

Section "URL Filters" allows to set the protocols
and to build powerful URL filters.

Section "Site Secures" allows to set login and password
if site or FTP server are protected.

Section "Links Conversion" allows to set
loaded files conversion.

Section "Connection" allows to set
parameters of connection.


SurfOffline information: SurfOffline help, download website, offline browser , SurfOffline home page
Bimesoft Backup software: outlook express backup, backup tiger
Bimesoft Password recovery software: outlook express password recovery, outlook password recovery, password recovery

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Date: July 27, 2024